The AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) research infrastructure will help to analyse, model and predict how different ecosystems in Europe will respond to climate changes and how they can be maintained in a sustainable way. AnaEE is a research infrastructure (RI), organised as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that brings together a series of state-of-the-art experimental and analytical facilities for ecosystem research throughout Europe. By linking these facilities with modelling approaches, AnaEE advances our understanding of the environmental impacts of ongoing global change and fosters adaptation and mitigation strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services and their economic and societal benefits.
In AnaEE, a series of Open-air and Enclosed experimental facilities covers major biomes and ecosystems of Europe. Compared to other continents and other European research infrastructures, AnaEE has a greater density of highly instrumented research facilities, offering opportunities for sophisticated experimental designs, high geographic resolution and state of the art instrumentation. National and transnational access (TA) is used to facilitate global change studies across natural gradients of climate. Coordinated experiments may include de novo manipulation of aquatic and/or terrestrial ecosystems, coupling of Enclosed and Open-air experimentation, and access to samples from long-term Open-air experimental facilities for assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as carbon regulation and sequestration, water quality, soil quality and associated abiotic parameters across multiple scales and in response to multiple drivers of change.
As many of the AnaEE research facilities have been operated over decades, AnaEE also offers VA (virtual access) to comprehensive background data for better long-term temporal resolution. The integrated set of AnaEE facilities, including also Analytical and Modelling facilities, provides a unique combination of opportunities for structuring European experimental research in ecosystem responses to drivers of change and will advance global change ecology significantly. This set of resources is completed by an active training, capacity building, and scientific activities program.
The value proposition of AnaEE relies on the coordination and integration of the advanced technologies on the facilities and data resources. A central access to dedicated services, a portfolio of tools benefitting both users and facility managers, and the capacity to deal with complex projects, while data access is provided via a single interface. The integrated and comprehensive approach allows for the definition of common goals and priorities, and of a strategy to reach them.
AnaEE Finland follows AnaEE-ERIC – European Research Infrastructures Consortium Statutes.
AnaEE Finland’s specific goals
1. AnaEE Finland provides users with northern experimental research facilities and services to support high quality research.
2. To increase collaboration within the Finnish ecosystem research community and ensure access to AnaEE RI services.
3. To promote awareness about ecological issues and engage citizen science to support evidence-based environmental policy-making in Finland.
AnaEE and Sustainable Development Goals
AnaEE, as the leading organisation in experimental ecosystem ecology, shares the same objectives as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid out in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, which was adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. Through its research, AnaEE contributes to achieving these goals by promoting science-based policies, supporting economic development, encouraging better management practices, and raising awareness among citizens.